But don't be nice, I'm looking for some feedback by those who are so inclined.
There is something like a back-cover at the bottom of the page, followed by Chapter One.
You can post your comments here.
December 29, 2007
November 26, 2007
A special announcement from Sherrie Ashcraft and Christina Berry:
We co-write books about relationships. We are a relationship. We want to dominate the relationship brand. And we want to have at least 500 subscribers to the Ashberry Lane Newsletter by the first of the year. Should we expect you to sign up and work hard at strong-arming your friends to sign up while you get nothing out of the deal? No way!
Compassionate as we are, we've worked up a HUGE new incentive. How better to promote our relational fiction than featuring other fiction that focuses on different types of relationship? Why don't we give our supporters a chance to win EIGHT autographed books? What a great Christmas present that would be! Or what a lot of Christmas shopping done for you!
Without further ado, we present, with a booming voice,
For the Friend Relationship: Roxanne Henke's After Anne
One of our absolute favorite books. As you watch Olivia and Anne struggle through a difficult challenge, you'll want to be a better friend.

We co-write books about relationships. We are a relationship. We want to dominate the relationship brand. And we want to have at least 500 subscribers to the Ashberry Lane Newsletter by the first of the year. Should we expect you to sign up and work hard at strong-arming your friends to sign up while you get nothing out of the deal? No way!
Compassionate as we are, we've worked up a HUGE new incentive. How better to promote our relational fiction than featuring other fiction that focuses on different types of relationship? Why don't we give our supporters a chance to win EIGHT autographed books? What a great Christmas present that would be! Or what a lot of Christmas shopping done for you!
Without further ado, we present, with a booming voice,

One of our absolute favorite books. As you watch Olivia and Anne struggle through a difficult challenge, you'll want to be a better friend.

For the Prodigal Relationship: Robin Lee Hatcher's Return to Me
How many of us have walked away from what our father wanted for us? Or away from our Father? This story will remind you that the you can go home again.
How many of us have walked away from what our father wanted for us? Or away from our Father? This story will remind you that the you can go home again.
Married Genevieve falls in love with the man she least expected could win her heart. It's not who you might think ....
For the Sibling Relationship: Lauraine Snelling's Ruby (Dakotah Treasures #1)
In the first of this frontier series, Ruby must deal with her new "inheritance" while protecting her sister from its influences.
A heart-rending story of a man trying to keep his family together.
Don't let the title of this book scare you away. There is no glorification of the demonic, but an enlightened fresh look at what History means.
In the first of this frontier series, Ruby must deal with her new "inheritance" while protecting her sister from its influences.
A heart-rending story of a man trying to keep his family together.
Don't let the title of this book scare you away. There is no glorification of the demonic, but an enlightened fresh look at what History means.
For the Relationships Gone Bad: Bette Nordberg's Serenity Bay
A truly terrifying story of woman who married Prince Charming and discovered he wasn't.
You'll laugh. You'll relate. You'll be impressed with this debut novel from up-and-coming author Camy Tang.
EIGHT books. ONE winner. Here are the ways to win:
Current subscriber and previous referrals are already in the hat. Any new subscriber or referral will gain another entry.
Publicize this to your homeys through newsletters: one entry.
Blog about the contest: one entry. (Email us if you need what to post.)
Include it in your Christmas cards: two entries.
Tuck it in the gift bag with the fruitcake you'll be leaving on random doorsteps: five entries.
Subscribe! Spread the word! Flood the blogosphere! Take over the world!
A truly terrifying story of woman who married Prince Charming and discovered he wasn't.
You'll laugh. You'll relate. You'll be impressed with this debut novel from up-and-coming author Camy Tang.
EIGHT books. ONE winner. Here are the ways to win:
Current subscriber and previous referrals are already in the hat. Any new subscriber or referral will gain another entry.
Publicize this to your homeys through newsletters: one entry.
Blog about the contest: one entry. (Email us if you need what to post.)
Include it in your Christmas cards: two entries.
Tuck it in the gift bag with the fruitcake you'll be leaving on random doorsteps: five entries.
Subscribe! Spread the word! Flood the blogosphere! Take over the world!
November 15, 2007
Interview with MIRALEE FERRELL
Miralee is wrapping up her blog tour tomorrow, sadly, putting this slightly quiet blog at the tail end of the tour.
But if you're visiting here, it's not too late to POST A COMMENT and add your name to the drawing for a FREE COPY of the book. Isn't that easy? I love free stuff, it's right up there on my list with Costco-sized saran wrap that lasts about 12 1/2 years.
I met Miralee at my local Portland chapter of the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers). At the first meeting I attended, Miralee was showing off - and rightly so - the cover photo for this book and telling us the story behind it. Mind if I tell the story Miralee? I'll get to the normal questions in a sec, even though after 30 days of blog touring, you've probably been asked more questions than Lindsay Lohan in all her court depositions combined.
Here's a summary of the book, so you'll get an idea about the photo needed:
The girl standing at the door took a deep breath, pulling her suitcase a little closer to her trembling legs. "My mama's dead. He's my daddy."
Susanne Carson knew that she could trust the love of her life—her husband, David—until she discovered a strange, unkempt young girl on their doorstep, claiming to be David's daughter. Not that their marriage had ever been perfect—David's decision to embrace the Christian faith had strained their relationship. Susanne may not have agreed with his beliefs, but at least she trusted him.
Had David been hiding this not-so-little secret from his past? He wanted Susanne to believe in his God, but believing hadn't done much to keep David out of another woman's arms. As David confronts the truth of his past, Susanne must face her own moment of truth as her marriage is taken to the breaking point and the life of one young girl is left in her hands.
The publishers offered Miralee some nice photos for this book, but the girls in the photos just didn't have that poor waif look Miralee had in mind for Brianna, the girl in the story. The pubbers were running out of time (imagine a ticking countdown clock) and options, so Miralee offered to shoot some pics herself.
She grabbed up a kid off the street - not really, she actually borrowed the daughter of a friend who fit Miralee's mental idea of the character - then snagged her some faded jeans and a beat up looking suitcase from the thrift store. Then Miralee, also armed with a camera and a mental idea of the front step of the house in her story, went to another acquaintance with just the right look and set up the shot using their front door.
With literally seconds left on the clock, Miralee handed off her photo. A tense moment of silence followed as the pubbers studied the shot. It was so quiet you could hear the nose hairs whistling in the room. Just a guess. Well, not only did they love her photo, they shot it over to the cool people in the art dept who jazzed it up with some rockin color and special effects, making it "pop", to quote the author/photographer.
So, Miralee not only saved the day, she got a chance to bring something that existed only in her imagination to life, something that should be left to trained professionals and should definitely not be attempted by amateurs. Or postal employees.
Is this an awesome photo, or what? Miralee, you're not only a talented writer, you're a great photographer; just an all around artist. Careful --- you're bordering on being a stinkin overachiever.
Hmmm. What else can we find out about this author? Extreme Keyboarding asked Miralee to share a little about her debutante novel experience.
EK: How did it make you feel to become published?
M: I got my boxes of author copies just few weeks ago, so I’m still floating around and celebrating! My books arrived a few days early, so it was an added surprise and shock to find them sitting on my doorstep when I got home. I came close to crying, but ended up jumping around instead. I called and emailed everyone I knew, and cranked up my level of marketing another notch.
M: I got my boxes of author copies just few weeks ago, so I’m still floating around and celebrating! My books arrived a few days early, so it was an added surprise and shock to find them sitting on my doorstep when I got home. I came close to crying, but ended up jumping around instead. I called and emailed everyone I knew, and cranked up my level of marketing another notch.
Hmmm, a shocking surprise waiting on your doorstep....I think I'm getting an idea for a story......
EK: What were your most difficult parts to write?
M: The most difficult parts were the revising. I didn't really experience any struggles in the initial writing...it flew from my fingers and mind onto the computer screen as fast as I was able to type. I did the initial rough draft in five weeks, but the revising and editing and additional scenes took several times that long, as I had so much to learn. I found it difficult to tone down a couple of people who needed to be rude and or snotty, but also had to do so in a believable way. My first attempt was very sad....they were straight out of a Grade B movie, LOL!
M: The most difficult parts were the revising. I didn't really experience any struggles in the initial writing...it flew from my fingers and mind onto the computer screen as fast as I was able to type. I did the initial rough draft in five weeks, but the revising and editing and additional scenes took several times that long, as I had so much to learn. I found it difficult to tone down a couple of people who needed to be rude and or snotty, but also had to do so in a believable way. My first attempt was very sad....they were straight out of a Grade B movie, LOL!
EK: What else are you working on?
M: I’m working on Past Shadows, the sequel to The Other Daughter, and plan to turn in to my editor in mid November. I’ve also started something new for me, an 1880’s novel set in Washington state…I’m hesitating to say it’s a romance, but it looks like it might be heading that direction. I’m playing around with another idea for a stand-alone women’s contemporary with an unusual twist. I’m hoping to start it as soon as Past Shadows is finished. There could also be a #3 and 4 in this series, and if so, we’ll continue on with the characters we meet in #2, then return to Brianna, the 13 yr old girl who arrives at the Carson’s door…at the age of 23.
EK: What has been the biggest accomplishment you have achieved since becoming published?
M: There are two…one in the spiritual realm, one in the natural. The spiritual accomplishment is already getting feedback from readers letting me know the book has touched their life in some way. I’m hoping that type of feedback continues, as that was my goal in writing it. In the natural realm, that a major motion picture company in Hollywood contacted my agent, asking to read my book. They like it and are considering it as a potential family movie. No offer at this time, but it’s being considered.
M: There are two…one in the spiritual realm, one in the natural. The spiritual accomplishment is already getting feedback from readers letting me know the book has touched their life in some way. I’m hoping that type of feedback continues, as that was my goal in writing it. In the natural realm, that a major motion picture company in Hollywood contacted my agent, asking to read my book. They like it and are considering it as a potential family movie. No offer at this time, but it’s being considered.
EK: What have you learned throughout the process of writing, pitching and promoting a novel?
M: I didn't come down the usual path that many writer's come....I started writing Christian fiction just two years ago, when I started The Other Daughter, and didn't belong to any writer's groups, hadn't read a single writing book, didn't have a crit partner, and only had my sister and one other gal who's an editor of E-books, that helped keep me on the path. They both had experience in editing and pointed out many of the mistakes I made...common ones such as Point of View and telling the reader what was happening rather than showing.
Marketing on the other hand, is a joy and very easy for me, as I worked in sales much of my adult life before starting to write. I spend anywhere from 2-4 hrs per day on the computer with marketing...not every day or every month, but that's been the average per day since about two months ago when I began to push hard on marketing The Other Daughter.
What have I learned? That other Christian writer's are some of the most unselfish, caring, giving people on the face of the earth. Instead of competing and trying to cut one another off at the knees, they practically break their necks to help.
I've also learned that if you're not giving God the glory and asking Him to keep your priorities straight, writing will become an albatross around your neck instead of the joyful journey He means it to be. HE is the one who has brought me success in my book by acquiring an agent, then a contract, so quickly, I can claim no credit for that. I've written a summary of my entire journey from start to contract on my website....HE is an amazing God and I write for Him. If I wrote for myself or for the readers, I'd probably have given up by now.
Thanks Miralee! Blessings to you on this journey, and on the success of your next book!
M: I didn't come down the usual path that many writer's come....I started writing Christian fiction just two years ago, when I started The Other Daughter, and didn't belong to any writer's groups, hadn't read a single writing book, didn't have a crit partner, and only had my sister and one other gal who's an editor of E-books, that helped keep me on the path. They both had experience in editing and pointed out many of the mistakes I made...common ones such as Point of View and telling the reader what was happening rather than showing.
Marketing on the other hand, is a joy and very easy for me, as I worked in sales much of my adult life before starting to write. I spend anywhere from 2-4 hrs per day on the computer with marketing...not every day or every month, but that's been the average per day since about two months ago when I began to push hard on marketing The Other Daughter.
What have I learned? That other Christian writer's are some of the most unselfish, caring, giving people on the face of the earth. Instead of competing and trying to cut one another off at the knees, they practically break their necks to help.
I've also learned that if you're not giving God the glory and asking Him to keep your priorities straight, writing will become an albatross around your neck instead of the joyful journey He means it to be. HE is the one who has brought me success in my book by acquiring an agent, then a contract, so quickly, I can claim no credit for that. I've written a summary of my entire journey from start to contract on my website....HE is an amazing God and I write for Him. If I wrote for myself or for the readers, I'd probably have given up by now.
Thanks Miralee! Blessings to you on this journey, and on the success of your next book!
You can read the opening page of this book on her website at
Don’t’ forget to POST A COMMENT (did I say that already?) if you want a chance to win a book.
But if you don’t win the drawing, or you do but you want to give some as gifts for Christmas and there’s no WAY you’re giving up your specially autographed prize, you can find THE OTHER DAUGHTER at these fabulous booksellers:
Don’t’ forget to POST A COMMENT (did I say that already?) if you want a chance to win a book.
But if you don’t win the drawing, or you do but you want to give some as gifts for Christmas and there’s no WAY you’re giving up your specially autographed prize, you can find THE OTHER DAUGHTER at these fabulous booksellers:
November 5, 2007
I am the humble recipient of a Cecil Murphy Scholarship to attend the
2008 MT HERMON Writer's Conference!!!!
Whoooo Hoooo!!!
CEC MURPHY, YOU ROCK! Thank you, thank you, thank you for your generosity, and your interest in helping those who want to become the best writers they can be!
I am humbled.
I will do my best to make the most of this conference, as promised. Old dogs are NEVER too old to learn . . . and this mutt is passionate about learning how to craft words into art. I can't wait!!!!!!
And congrats to the other scholarship recipients!
October 10, 2007
Forensics & Faith: The One Most Important Thing
Forensics & Faith: The One Most Important Thing
The answers to a question that Brandilyn posed on the ACFW loop are posted on her site in the form of a survey. While the numbers may not be scientific, the answers should be of interest to any fiction writer.
The answers to a question that Brandilyn posed on the ACFW loop are posted on her site in the form of a survey. While the numbers may not be scientific, the answers should be of interest to any fiction writer.
October 6, 2007
Christian Authors ROCK!!
Christian Supply in Portland hosted Christian Fiction Day today for some of our own Oregon authors. What a treat! I got to meet Patricia Rushford, Melanie Dobson, Cindy Hannan, Robin Jones Gunn, Randy Alcorn, Melody Carlson, Jane Kirkpatrick, Bonnie Leon and Leslie Gould.
I spent 2 hours asking some of them about writing and their journey to getting published, and pretty much babbling about myself. What a great bunch, they all nodded, smiled and listened. I found out that Melody Carlson and I own neighboring mounds of dust and sagebrush in Central Oregon. It's good to know there are a few folks who know the best place to hunt sage rats.
I found out where Glenbrooke Oregon REALLY is. (he he he)
I also found out that Bonnie Leon is one cool lady! Check out her story (link to her site on the right). Check out her numerous books for a good read, or check out her "for writers" page for some helpful writing advice. Keep it coming, Bonnie!
It was exciting to talk to these gracious Christian authors. I came away with a couple autographed books and some encouraging words. Hey, it's no small wonder that Christian Fiction is the fastest growing genre in the book market in recent years.
I left feeling ready to press on with my novel, and then remembered all the intelligent questions I forgot to ask. OH WELL. I also remembered with a sense of utter satisfaction how I told Robin Jones Gunn that I 'write like her' (I honestly did) and like that other lady . . . what's her name? Yeah, I 'write like' someone whose name I can't remember. I spit out a few syllables of nonsense and she guessed Karen Kingsbury. Yes! Thank you. That's the one.
(By the way, I didn't actually mean to say I WRITE like Robin or Karen. But, unfortunately, I really have NO CLUE what I meant to say. If I were to actually compare my writing style to anyone, just for the sake of illustration, I'd have to say Nicholas Sparks meets Dennis Miller from Weekend Update.)
DO you ever open your mouth and hear nonsense flowing out freely? Is there a cure for this?
I spent 2 hours asking some of them about writing and their journey to getting published, and pretty much babbling about myself. What a great bunch, they all nodded, smiled and listened. I found out that Melody Carlson and I own neighboring mounds of dust and sagebrush in Central Oregon. It's good to know there are a few folks who know the best place to hunt sage rats.
I found out where Glenbrooke Oregon REALLY is. (he he he)
I also found out that Bonnie Leon is one cool lady! Check out her story (link to her site on the right). Check out her numerous books for a good read, or check out her "for writers" page for some helpful writing advice. Keep it coming, Bonnie!
It was exciting to talk to these gracious Christian authors. I came away with a couple autographed books and some encouraging words. Hey, it's no small wonder that Christian Fiction is the fastest growing genre in the book market in recent years.
I left feeling ready to press on with my novel, and then remembered all the intelligent questions I forgot to ask. OH WELL. I also remembered with a sense of utter satisfaction how I told Robin Jones Gunn that I 'write like her' (I honestly did) and like that other lady . . . what's her name? Yeah, I 'write like' someone whose name I can't remember. I spit out a few syllables of nonsense and she guessed Karen Kingsbury. Yes! Thank you. That's the one.
(By the way, I didn't actually mean to say I WRITE like Robin or Karen. But, unfortunately, I really have NO CLUE what I meant to say. If I were to actually compare my writing style to anyone, just for the sake of illustration, I'd have to say Nicholas Sparks meets Dennis Miller from Weekend Update.)
DO you ever open your mouth and hear nonsense flowing out freely? Is there a cure for this?
August 1, 2007
Welcome to my blog!
Since I'm just launching this blog, I welcome comments on what you find here. And on what you'd like to find here. And what you hope you never, ever see.
I might on occasion post on something relevant, like world peace. Or my really funny dog.
For those of you feeling that gnawing urge to write, I'll post about that too.
Humor is one weapon I find helpful in the war against taking ourselves too seriously. But there are serious issues that absolutely must be taken seriously. Together, we will decide exactly what those are and address them with a delicate balance of wit and profound wisdom.
Thanks for stopping by!
I might on occasion post on something relevant, like world peace. Or my really funny dog.
For those of you feeling that gnawing urge to write, I'll post about that too.
Humor is one weapon I find helpful in the war against taking ourselves too seriously. But there are serious issues that absolutely must be taken seriously. Together, we will decide exactly what those are and address them with a delicate balance of wit and profound wisdom.
Thanks for stopping by!
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I've published five novels and 2 novellas (more about those on my website.) I've been writing all my life, but decided in 2007 to get serious about being published.
I love action movies and Jane Austen. (she’s dead, I know. I found that out when I tried to get her to endorse my novel)
They let me play Bass guitar and sing in a worship band.
I can produce 4 dozen homemade cinnamon rolls in a flash for a crowd of drooling young adults. Or publishing house editors.
I used to have a Harley. Now we have seven grandkiddos. Decent trade, really.
I am a proud Grammy. Don't even think about taking candy from my babies.
I've published five novels and 2 novellas (more about those on my website.) I've been writing all my life, but decided in 2007 to get serious about being published.
I love action movies and Jane Austen. (she’s dead, I know. I found that out when I tried to get her to endorse my novel)
They let me play Bass guitar and sing in a worship band.
I can produce 4 dozen homemade cinnamon rolls in a flash for a crowd of drooling young adults. Or publishing house editors.
I used to have a Harley. Now we have seven grandkiddos. Decent trade, really.
I am a proud Grammy. Don't even think about taking candy from my babies.
I hate shopping (Yes, I'm aware that I'm a girl)
I've lived in Oregon all my life, spent time in Eugene (Go DUCKS!), Springfield, Reedsport, and Smith River. Which is not really a town, but a river, about 70 miles long, a tributary of the Umpqua River in southwest Oregon.
Although it's not a town, it is a community with a strong sense of pioneer history. It's cool to say you've lived there, especially if you lived there during the days when you had to take a boat to school. No joke! The old farmhouse my grandfather and my mother grew up in still stands, nestled into a narrow, pasture carpeted valley, complete with a swimmin' hole and its own 'crick'. It may turn up in one of my novels.
There's a rumor that my ancestors had a connection with the Mafia back in Sicily. I used to fantasize as a kid about a big black limo with tinted windows pulling up and whisking me away from school. Ahhh. So THAT'S why I'm having so much trouble conjugating my dangling participles now.
NOT RANDOM: I am challenged by the truth and amazed by the grace of God. And it's either in spite of or because of that grace that I hold a PhD in Learning Stuff the Hard Way.
I've lived in Oregon all my life, spent time in Eugene (Go DUCKS!), Springfield, Reedsport, and Smith River. Which is not really a town, but a river, about 70 miles long, a tributary of the Umpqua River in southwest Oregon.
Although it's not a town, it is a community with a strong sense of pioneer history. It's cool to say you've lived there, especially if you lived there during the days when you had to take a boat to school. No joke! The old farmhouse my grandfather and my mother grew up in still stands, nestled into a narrow, pasture carpeted valley, complete with a swimmin' hole and its own 'crick'. It may turn up in one of my novels.
There's a rumor that my ancestors had a connection with the Mafia back in Sicily. I used to fantasize as a kid about a big black limo with tinted windows pulling up and whisking me away from school. Ahhh. So THAT'S why I'm having so much trouble conjugating my dangling participles now.
NOT RANDOM: I am challenged by the truth and amazed by the grace of God. And it's either in spite of or because of that grace that I hold a PhD in Learning Stuff the Hard Way.