In the meantime, here are some things I DO know about the future of this blog. This blog will NOT include:
Right: Jodi and her favorite snack.
Left: Jodi in her favorite reading spot.
Not pictured: Jodi stealing lettuce from the bunny's pen. She has a lettuce/carrot/or anything we might give to the rabbit obsession/fetish/addiction.
*meanderings about what we found at a garage sale (Did I mention I HATE SHOPPING, INCLUDING GARAGE SALES?? I know, that cuts out about 85% of the potential EXTREME KEYBOARDING community. Hey, I'm prepared to deal with that).
Right: Although he likes garage sales, I found this priceless treasure at Wendy's in 1980. I don't know if that makes him an antique. You'd never guess to look at him.
*musings about what I saw flattened in the road today. Well, no, I take that back. We might blog about things like that if there is a profound spiritual truth to be gained from it.
*Sports of ANY kind. Except keyboarding.
I want this blog to be something you find worth as much of your time to read as it is my time to provide. Hey, we could kill 2 birds with one bird in the hand.... or one stone is worth two birds in the bush.... Okay, I didn't know I had bird issues. Whatever.
Hey, as far as issues goes.... the only thing the self-help '80s and all that theraputic whining into a journal did for me was make me even more self-absorbed. Let's re-bag the issues and carry 'em around a while. Builds muscle.
And let's have a laugh while we're growing older and forced to get a little more serious. We may end up promoting world peace while we're at it. :)
In the next issue of EXTREME KEYBOARDING: How I Survived My Daughter's First Official Date. Includes an eye-opening lesson learned the hard way on selecting a hair stylist who speaks English and understands what "up-do" means.