September 30, 2014

Like There’s No Tomorrow launches TODAY!

My first full-length novel is finally here! Who else is Snoopy dancing?

Like There's No Tomorrow is a contemporary, inspirational romance about two single caregivers corresponding on behalf of two quirky old Scottish sisters.

When the pen pals meet, they expect familiarity, but not instant attraction. There’s a wee tug-o-war over a kind but daft old woman, some poignant drama, elderly mischief, faith testing, and the sweet bliss of falling in love.

This book has been called “A witty romance but far more than just a romance, like You’ve Got Mail.” Which is an honor, because in addition to the wit and spunk in that story, there's a depth of heart to it. I really like that in a story!

What about you - do you like a story that is both light-hearted and heart-tugging?

Here are a few other responses to this book:

Like There’s No Tomorrow...will steal your heart from the moment you read the first page.” ~Cindy Kelley, Author and Screenwriter
“Highly recommended!” ~Gayle Roper, Award-Winning Author

“Tender and heart-wrenching...” ~Carla Stewart, Award-Winning Author

“This tender love story captured my heart. It’s a perfect blend of drama, humor and romance topped off with delightful characters that will stay with you long after you’ve closed the book. Like There’s No Tomorrow is one of my favorite reads of the year. And Camille is on my short list of favorite authors.” ~Bonnie Leon, Author

Here are a few online stores where Like There's No Tomorrow is available:

OR - if you’re in the Portland/Gresham/Sandy Oregon area, you can pick up a copy at my Book Signing and Open House on Saturday, Oct 4 from 11-2. Buy a book and get it signed! Plus sample some lovely tea, cookies, and enter a drawing for an Amazon Gift Card! (Details here)
I’d love to see you there!

I owe many, many people a load of thanks for their time, patience, guidance, and encouragement during my ongoing novel writing journey. But most of all, I owe all thanks and praise to the Lord for his steadfast encouragement, timeless truths, inspiration, and the perfect words when the words wouldn't come. Thank you, Jesus!

If you can take an extra 34 seconds and help spread the word to your Twitter followers, here's a ready-to-go tweet! 
Tweet: #LikeTheresNoTomorrow=a tender, witty #Romance about faith, fiery furnaces, & the gift of each new day. @CamilleEide

September 19, 2014

Lena Nelson Dooley is giving away a copy of my book...

Lena Nelson Dooley is hosting me and my upcoming novel on her Christian Fiction blog TODAY! For the next few days, you can leave a comment on her blog and enter a drawing for a free copy of the book.

(Print book sent to US addresses only. eBooks to the ends of the earth.)

Come on over!

September 1, 2014

Labor Day & Birthing a Book-baby

It’s Labor Day in the US and I am doing my part by laboring. Specifically, on preparations for the upcoming release (WooHOO!) of my first full-length novel. 

Bringing Like There’s No Tomorrow from conception to reality has truly been a labor of love. For more than 7 years, I've been writing, revising, re-revising, polishing, and preparing this “baby” in hopes of publication. The book has been picked over by critique partners. It’s been represented by a highly-respected literary agent. It’s been submitted to all the major publishing houses. It’s been adored by editors and considered by publishing committees. It’s been through all the growth and healthy development I could give it myself.
Christina Tarabochia-AL Publisher, Nicole Miller-AL Designer,
Camille Eide-Author, Sherrie Ashcraft-AL President

And now, it’s being “delivered” by an amazing team of women who I like to call The Three Midwives.

My daughter recently gave birth at home with the help of three excellent midwives. They were so professional and so personally attentive to her and her sweet infant (my gorgeous granddaughter! I have pictures...) that I couldn't help but see an obvious similarity. 

The women of Ashberry Lane (Sherrie Ashcraft, Christina Tarabochia, and Nicole Miller) are much like midwives when it comes to birthing a book-baby. This team has worked hard to make sure my book is as healthy as it can be and are working to help it make the best entrance into the world possible. They see purpose and potential in this baby. They have grown to love it as their own and are as invested in its future as I am.

I submitted my book to Ashberry Lane because their mission is to see good quality, God-honoring literature available to readers, and to see hard-working, talented authors succeed. And after "laboring" with them, I am more confident than ever that my baby and I are in the best of hands. As I gaze once again at the beautiful (sneak-peek) face of my book cover, I am thankful for this team and their desire to honor God. We’re more than business partners; we’re like family. And our family is growing! I pray God’s best success for Ashberry Lane and for the authors who are blessed to call themselves part of this wonderful family.



I've published five novels and 2 novellas (more about those on my website.) I've been writing all my life, but decided in 2007 to get serious about being published.

I love action movies and Jane Austen. (she’s dead, I know. I found that out when I tried to get her to endorse my novel)

They let me play Bass guitar and sing in a worship band.

I can produce 4 dozen homemade cinnamon rolls in a flash for a crowd of drooling young adults. Or publishing house editors.

I used to have a Harley. Now we have seven grandkiddos. Decent trade, really.

I am a proud Grammy. Don't even think about taking candy from my babies.

I hate shopping (Yes, I'm aware that I'm a girl)

I've lived in Oregon all my life, spent time in Eugene (Go DUCKS!), Springfield, Reedsport, and Smith River. Which is not really a town, but a river, about 70 miles long, a tributary of the Umpqua River in southwest Oregon.

Although it's not a town, it is a community with a strong sense of pioneer history. It's cool to say you've lived there, especially if you lived there during the days when you had to take a boat to school. No joke! The old farmhouse my grandfather and my mother grew up in still stands, nestled into a narrow, pasture carpeted valley, complete with a swimmin' hole and its own 'crick'. It may turn up in one of my novels.

There's a rumor that my ancestors had a connection with the Mafia back in Sicily. I used to fantasize as a kid about a big black limo with tinted windows pulling up and whisking me away from school. Ahhh. So THAT'S why I'm having so much trouble conjugating my dangling participles now.

NOT RANDOM: I am challenged by the truth and amazed by the grace of God. And it's either in spite of or because of that grace that I hold a PhD in Learning Stuff the Hard Way.